
Traits in Scala

Scala is a popular programming language that combines the best features of object-oriented and functional programming languages. It has some really cool features that are not available in other languages like C# or Java. Traits is one such feature that provides a viable solution for the problems associated with multiple inheritance in other languages.

Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java/C# and the only other way to build common functionality among a set of related classes is via interfaces. But interfaces are abstract and require concrete implementation. The other option is to create a class that implements the desired interfaces and then inherit from that class. This is not very convenient.

Following are some of the cool features of a trait:
  • A Trait is much like an abstract class in C#. It can contain abstract members as well as concrete implementations
  • A Trait can contain abstract fields as well as concrete fields
  • A class in Scala can only have one base class but it can implement any number of Traits. So a lot of concrete implementations are readily available for use. 
  • A Trait can extend other Traits.
  • A Trait can extend other classes
  • An instance of a class can implement a Trait. So, not the class, but the desired instances of that class can implement Traits as needed. 
Following are some code samples of Traits:

An abstract Trait called Runner that has an abstract method called Run

trait Runner
   def Run(destination:String) //a string input param called "destination"


A class called Athlete that provides the implementation for the Trait:
class Athlete extends Runner
  //override keyword is not necessary while implementing an abstract method of a trait
  def Run(destination:string) {println(destination)}

A concrete Trait called Runner that has a concrete method called Run
trait Runner
  def Run(destination:String)  //a string input param called "destination"


A class called Athlete that implements the Trait and calls the Run method. In Scala slang "The Runner functionality is mixed in with the Athlete class"
class Athlete extends Runner { def PrintDestination(destination:String) { Run(destination); } }

A trait called MarathonRunner that extends the trait Runner

trait MarathonRunner extends Runner
  def PrintMarathonDestination(destination:String)

A class called Athlete that implements both Runner and MarathonRunner
class Athlete extends Runner with MarathonRunner { }
NOTE : In Scala, the first trait is implemented using the extends keyword and the second trait is implemented using the with keyword

Let us say that there is a trait called HalfMarathonRunner, an instance of the class Athlete can implement this trait:
val objAthlete = new Athlete with HalfMarathonRunner

A trait with an abstract field
trait Runner
 val MaxDistance:int //no initial value means abstract

a trait with a concrete field
trait Runner
  val MaxDistance = 15

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