
Designing a Ticket Turnstile System at a Subway Train Station

Recently, I interviewed at a company where the interviewer asked me to explain how I would go about designing a ticket turnstile system at a subway train station. For some inexplicable reason, I just talked about it at a very high level, making incorrect assumptions along the way. I never made an attempt to first write down my thoughts on the notebook in front of me and then try to go about explaining my ideas to the interviewer (and to add to my bad luck, the interviewer also did not ask me to draw or explain anything on the white board).

After I came home, I decided to work on that design again, starting with a basic use case, with a pen and a notebook in hand. As i started writing down my thoughts, I realized that the requirements were not complex at all. By not writing down my ideas on paper, I had just complicated things for myself and that made me come across as an incompetent engineer, incapable of designing software systems. Enough venting and crying. In under 10 minutes this is what I was able to come up with :

  • Consider a simple use case of a person, who has just bought a ticket for a ride from station X to station Y. I am therefore going to assume that there is a unique barcode generator of some sort and when the user bought a ticket, he was assigned a ticket with a unique barcode.
  • Now that the user has bought the ticket, I am going to assume that there is a separate database of all tickets that are current and this particular ticket has been moved to that database. I am assuming that there is one row of information per ticket in the database. This row would include fields like the serial number,location, payment details, IsCheckedIn and IsCheckedOut.
  • My assumption is that once the user scans the ticket at the starting point, the IsCheckedIn field is set to true and when the user exits from the destination station, the IsCheckedOut field is set to true.So considering a happy path, the user would checkin and checkout without any issues and the database would be updated accordingly and that would signal a completed transaction for that ticket.
  • Because the data for each ticket requires just one row, given the fact that there is no other relational data, I am assuming that we do not need to use a relational database. We can use a no-sql database like ravendb where all the information can be stored in a single document or a JSON blob.
  • Because each ticket is unique and there is nothing relational, there shouldn't be any performance issues due to locking of resources. All that needs to happen is the updating of the IsCheckedIn and IsCheckedOut fields for each ticket. As a result, the performance of the system would be a function of the processing power of the database server and the number of connections it can handle.There will be no need for any kind of database replications to keep the information up to date.
  • Now, let us say, the user has bought a ticket and for some reason, he is not able to get into the station (or get out) because the scanner wont recognize his ticket for some reason. So I am going to assume that the user will go to an attendant at the station, who will try to look up the ticket on a computer. So the design would need to include a client, that will point to the same database of all current tickets.
  • Once the user has checked out from the destination station, the IsCheckedOut field will be set to true, meaning that the transaction is complete. This record can then be moved to another database of all completed transactions, where they can stay for a mandated(by government, is my assumption) time period before the same barcodes can be recycled.
  • For security reasons, I am also assuming that both the IsCheckedIn and IsCheckedout fields need to be set to true for a transaction to be considered as complete. My assumption is - the user can scan out only if the user has scanned in.

I still feel bad about not having come up with something along these lines during the interview. This is how I normally approach all my design projects (writing down my thoughts on paper), not sure why I kept talking in the air that day. Was I tense or careless or stressed out or just plain stupid? It still haunts me.


Azure App Services : Serverless functions

Azure offers a set of PAAS(Platform-As-A-Service) offerings known as App Services. Serverless functions are one of the services under the App Services Category.

A Serverless function is a piece of code that can be run independently. It can be triggered by certain events or invoked explicitly depending on the business requirements. Every time a serverless function runs it uses a certain amount of memory and Azure makes sure to run it on the appropriate server (depending on the language used to create the serverless function. You can create serverless functions in different languages like C#, Java, Javascript, Python and some others). So when you configure serverless functions in the Azure portal, you just specify the amount of memory you want to allocate. You do not have to be bothered about managing or scaling the server instances. Because of this, they are known as serverless functions. It is not because they don't run on servers. They do.

Here is an example of a serverless function :

There is a cool online shoe store where you go to buy your shoes. You go to their website and you want to get this brand new model xyz100, but that model is out of stock. So the store offers an option for you to be notified when the stock is replenished. You just need to provide your email which gets stored in their database. Behind the scenes, the store will create a serverless function that will be invoked whenever the model xyz100's stock is replenished. This function will then go to the database and get a list of people(including you) who have requested to be notified when this model is in stock and will send out emails to all of them.

In the case of serverless functions you are charged only when the function runs. You can always increase the amount of memory depending on your business needs. Since serverless functions are stand-alone and can be created in several different languages, they provide a lot of flexibility and freedom when it comes to the development process. You can have separate teams building and managing different functions. You can also choose the technology that best suits the requirement.

App Services in Microsoft Azure : Logic Apps

Azure offers a set of PAAS(Platform-As-A-Service) offerings known as App Services. Logic Apps are one of the services under the App Services Category. They are similar to workflows and can be used to perform a set of connected operations. Here is an example of a logic app :

Let us say there are a set of tables on two different database servers and you are trying to replicate data from one server to the other. Your goal is to monitor the destination tables and perform two specific actions when new data comes in :

  • Call a stored proc that processes the new data and returns a result set.
  • Invoke an API and pass the result set from the previous step.

Within a few minutes, you can create a logic app which can be scheduled to run at specified intervals. This logic app will have two connected nodes. The first one calls a stored procedure that queries the destination tables for new data and does some business rules processing and returns a result set and the second node can then take this result set and pass it to an API.

We can also scale up (i.e. increase the processing power) or scale out (increase the number of instances) very easily via the Azure portal. We do have to deal with any concurrency issues that may arise when several instances of the logic app are running simultaneously.